Cinematographer born in 1992. Studied at Krzysztof Kieslowski filmschool in Katowice.
Open for formal experiments and keen on discovering new visual languages. Gained experience working on commercials, music videos and documentaries in North and Central America, Africa and Europe. His short films were awarded and presented at many festivals like FPFF Gdynia, TISFF Tel Aviv. Born in Polish mountains, highly interested in local rituals, beliefs and traditions of various rural and original areas.
Playstation, McDonald’s, Adidas, Netflix, Decathlon, Vogue, PKO Bank Polski, Puma, Youtube, Bank Pekao SA, Otomoto, Aldi, Bechstein, Fundacja Rak’n’Roll, Nutridrink, Sneaker Studio, Fundacja DKMS, Fundacja Avalon, Groprinosin, Dr.Max Drogeria.